Adult Classes meet at 9:45 am on Sundays during the program year.
We believe that we are never done learning, especially when it comes to our faith! We offer classes on Sunday mornings (Sept.-May) for adult faith development, taking 3-5 weeks at a time to learn about a particular topic or engage in a Bible study. The classes offered are intentional, thought-provoking, and always open to all.
New Classes Beginning January 19, 2025
Living the Faith (Dunham Hall)
Environmental Justice Today (Jan. 19-Feb. 9)
In this series, we will explore the environmental justice movement and how people of faith in NC have played important roles in this movement. We will take a close look at environmental justice issues in NC counties of Warren and Sampson as well as in our own backyard—Chapel Hill’s Rogers Road neighborhood. We will hear from people who have studied and led these justice movements. As people of faith, we will consider how we respond to ongoing inequities in this arena.
- Jan. 19: Omega and Brenda Wilson from the West End Revitalization Association, on Mebane, NC
- Jan. 26: Rev. William Kearney from the UNC Center for Health Promotion, Coley Springs Missionary Baptist Church, and the United Shiloh Baptist Church Association, on Warren County, NC (Same day that a documentary on this topic premieres at the Carrboro Film Festival!)>
- Feb. 2: Irene Como from the Southern Environmental Law Center and Sherri White-Williamson from the Environmental Justice Community Action Network (EJCAN), on Sampson County, NC
- Feb. 9: Rev. Robert Campbell from the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Assoc. (RENA) and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP, on the Rogers Rd. neighborhood in Chapel Hill
Reading the Word (Vance Barron Hall)
Signs and Wonders: A Beginners Guide to Jesus’ Miracles (Jan. 19-Feb. 9)
Based on the scholarship of Amy Jill Levine, New Testament Professor at Vanderbilt, Kathy and Scott Culley will facilitate a four week exploration of how past witnesses would have understood the events, but also how today’s readers can draw meaning from Jesus’ words and actions.
Session 2 (begins Feb. 9)
The Anxious Generation (Feb. 16-March 9)
The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness by Jonathan Haidt argues that the spread of smartphones, social media and overprotective parenting have led to a “rewiring” of childhood and a rise in mental illness. Join us for an exploration of this book, learning about how technology impacts our mental wellness, especially preteens, youth, and those who make up the next generation. This class will center around conversations based on the book chapters and small group discussion. Copies of the book are available in the church office for $15 each (place payment in Meg’s box).
Faith and Life (Feb. 16-March 9)
Led by Gary Crunkleton and Rick Osmer, this class will explore the meaning of four important biblical concepts in relation to real life situations: grace, judgment, holiness, and eternal life.