Who We Are

Here are some of our values and what they mean to us:

UPC is a Presbyterian – PC(USA) – congregation.

We are a particular–some might say peculiar–branch on the larger church family tree. This means we are governed not by hierarchy but by representation. It means we practice reformed theology– the core of which is the declaration that we are saved by grace alone, and our whole lives are a response of gratitude. It also means we are connected with churches and mission across the country and globe. Click here to learn more about what it means to be a PC(USA) church.

UPC is a welcoming and affirming congregation.

We honor and celebrate the human diversity and unity that God gives us in Christ. We welcome individuals of every age, race, nationality, gender identity and expression, ability, sexual orientation, and economic circumstance to participate fully in the life of the church.

UPC is an Earth Care congregation.

We believe that we have been granted the privilege and the responsibility to care for God’s creation. As a certified Earth Care congregation, we seek to care for God’s earth in a holistic way by integrating earth care into all aspects of church life, particularly in worship, education, facilities and outreach. Click here to learn more about our environmental justice efforts.

UPC is a congregation working for racial equity.

We affirm the image of God in every individual, and we also recognize that people of color have historically been (and still are) treated unjustly. We value inclusion, justice, and equity for all and are committed to learning and doing better in all aspects of who we are. Click here to learn more about our Racial Equity Team.

UPC is a WISE congregation.

We believe in caring for and supporting the whole person: heart, mind, body, and soul. As part of that, we are a certified WISE (welcoming, inclusive, supportive and engaged) congregation for mental health, working to raise awareness about mental health needs. People with mental health challenges have gifts to offer our faith community, and we want everyone to feel fully welcomed and supported in the life, work, and leadership of our church. Click here to learn more about our Mental Health Task Force.

UPC is an intergenerational congregation.

We strive to make sure that all are welcome and included in the life of our church, from the very young to the not so young. We offer ministries for all ages and stages of life, but also intentionally make sure there are opportunities for all to come together to worship, serve, learn, and connect.