We are inspired by the word of the Lord as we seek to become an anti-racist church.
He has told you, O mortal, what is good, and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice and to love kindness and to walk humbly with your God? (Micah 6:8)
I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. (John 13:34)
He is the embodiment of our peace, sent once and for all to take down the great barrier of hatred and hostility that has divided us so that we can be one. (Ephesians 2:14)
About the Racial Equity Team
We envision a UPC community that confronts racism in every form, celebrates all of God’s people, and inspires the Church to advocate for racial equity.
The Holy Spirit pushes the Church to be fully inclusive. UPC RET exists because we are called to know and trust the work of the Holy Spirit, to uphold God’s work in our church, and to be a witness of justice and equity in the community at-large.
The RET seeks to understand, identify, and confront racism in all forms within our church and community through education, community partnerships, and thoughtful outreach. We acknowledge that as siblings in Christ, we bring diverse histories and experiences that inform our perspectives on race and racism, and we trust the word of God will guide us as we grow in relationships with one another and our neighbors.
- Develop authentic and informed community relationships.
- Establish and maintain meaningful partnerships w/ BILPOC) led organizations.
- Commit to ongoing introspection and change within the UPC community
- Regular participation (RET and UPC Congregation and staff) in education and awareness training opportunities.
- Increase our connection with and impact on race equity initiatives within PC(USA) and other faith communities.
All members of the UPC RET are volunteers. Together we make no claim to have all the answers to the issues involved in anti-racism work. We claim no special expertise on this issue. However, we do have lots of questions and desire to do better in this arena. We welcome comments and suggestions. We see our work as a journey, and all are welcome to join us.
Members: Mellicient Blythe (Co-Chair), Christie Osborne (Co-Chair), Chris Bevin, May Bryan, Vann Joines, Linda Kopel, Pat Morgan, Karen Vandersea, PCM representative TBD, Youth Representative TBD, Jarrett McLaughlin (staff liaison)
The RET needs volunteers to serve on the committee, facilitate events and help with community outreach. We hope you join us. RET meets on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in person and via Zoom.
2025 Racial Equity Class
In the winter of 2025, the Racial Equity Team coordinated a class about Environmental Justice. Sessions included:
- Jan. 19: Omega and Brenda Wilson from the West End Revitalization Association, on Mebane, NC. For more information: weranc.org
- Jan. 26: Rev. William Kearney from the UNC Center for Health Promotion, Coley Springs Missionary Baptist Church, and the United Shiloh Baptist Church Association, on WarrenCounty, NC (known as the birthplace of the environmental justice movement). For more information: wcaahc.com/environmental-action-team.html
- Feb. 2: Irene Como from the Southern Environmental Law Center and Sherri White-Williamson from the Environmental Justice Community Action Network (EJCAN), on Sampson County, NC. For more information: ejcan.org
- Feb. 9: Rev. Robert Campbell from the Rogers-Eubanks Neighborhood Assoc. (RENA) and the Chapel Hill-Carrboro NAACP, on the Rogers Road neighborhood in Chapel Hill. For more information: renacommunitycenter.com
Click the image to view the recordings.
Suggested Resources
Looking for books, podcasts, and more to help you on your own anti-racist journey? Click the button for a list of suggestions from the Racial Equity Team!