What to Expect at UPC

Welcome to University Presbyterian Church.
Everyone is welcome!

Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming,
you are not only welcome here, but invited
to shape this community with your God-given gifts.

Click here to read about some of our values as a congregation.

Current Sunday Morning Schedule

8:30 am – Worship

9:45 am – Sunday School for all ages

11:00 am – Worship

Parking & Entrances

On Sundays, parking is free of charge in the Wallace Parking Deck off East Rosemary Street, the Morehead Planetarium Parking Lot on East Franklin Street, and along the streets. We reserve our parking lot for handicap spaces on Sunday morning.

The ongoing construction on Rosemary may impact parking at times. Click here to learn more about this project and any anticipated closures.

If you need assistance finding parking in the area, we recommend using parkonthehill.com or the Park Mobile app.

The main church entrance is 209 East Franklin Street (the front of the sanctuary) and the secondary main entrance is 110 Henderson Street.

Facility Map


University Presbyterian Church welcomes all people. Handicap parking spaces are located in front of the sanctuary along Franklin Street, and before each service members are ready to assist those who need help getting into the building. Additional handicap parking and senior parking is available in our parking lot. There is a ramp from the Franklin Street entrance into the building, and we have elevators in two different parts of the building.

Large print bulletins are available for both worship services, and a hearing loop is in the sanctuary.

If you need assistance, please speak with the greeters as you enter the sanctuary.

What to Expect in Worship

Worship Style: Our worship is “traditional but not stuffy,” with responsive readings, hymns, and an organ and choir. We follow the liturgical calendar (observing Advent, Lent, etc.), and services are thoughtfully prepared each week around a central theme and scripture. Our bulletin each week contains the liturgies and prayers, as well as information about upcoming events.

Dress: Some of our congregants are comfortable in suits or dresses; some choose to wear business casual; some choose to wear jeans. Know that you will not be singled out, no matter what you choose to wear.

Communion: We offer communion once a month (typically on the first Sunday of the month). Communion is open to all; there are no barriers of belief or lifestyle that exclude anyone. That said, no one is obligated to receive the sacrament. All elements are gluten-free, and the cup contains juice.

Offerings for Children

We are always delighted to welcome children into our worship. Children of all ages are welcome to stay with their families throughout the worship service, and children’s worship aids are available in the narthex.

Childcare for infants and toddlers is provided for all worship services and Sunday School. No reservations are needed. Infants and toddlers are cared for by trained, competent childcare workers who genuinely love children and focus on helping them, and their parents, feel secure while in the church’s care.

A special part of our worship service for children, who are 3 years old through 3rd grade, is called “Time With Children.” Children are invited to come to the front of the worship space to join a church staff member to talk about some aspect of our life together. After coming forward, children in kindergarten and younger are welcome to remain in the Sanctuary with family, or may go to the nursery.