Adult Education

Summer 2024 Mini-Series: Finding the Gospel in the Music of _______

8:45 am in Vance Barron Hall, beginning Aug. 11

Please join us for a new summer mini-series, Finding the Gospel in Music. This mini-series gives us a chance to gather together in the warmer months when there is no regular Sunday School offering. We will explore themes of spirituality and grace in the music of contemporary artists. UPC members will lead us in discussion focusing on specific lyrics and styles. All ages are welcome!

  • August 11: Finding the Gospel in the Music of the Appalachian Mountains (Gary Crunkleton)
  • August 18: Finding the Gospel in the Music of U2 + The Grateful Dead (Robert Owen)
  • August 25: Finding the Gospel in the Jesus Music of the 70’s and 80’s (Greg and Vicky Burriss)
  • September 1: Finding the Gospel in the Music of Taylor Swift (Beth Keith and Naomi Sherry)

Adult Classes meet at 9:45 am on Sundays during the program year.

Regular classes will resume on Sept. 22, 2024.

UPC Podcast

Along with our sermons, we record and upload select Sunday School classes – click the icon to check out the UPC Podcast, and hit subscribe so you don’t miss an episode!

UPC Adult Education Mission Statement

Adopted August 20, 2015

According to Matthew, Jesus said the greatest commandment is, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.” (Matthew 22:37-40)

We at University Presbyterian Church, as part of God’s people in the Reformed tradition, seek to love God and our neighbors through educational opportunities that:

*are rooted in the Bible and present topics through a Christian “lens of faith”

*incorporate theology professed by the Presbyterian Church (USA) and the Reformed tradition

*integrate worship, study, and service

*nurture spiritual exploration and development

*encourage faithful living in concert with Christ’s mission

*welcome participants of all ages, backgrounds and beliefs

*respect and welcome other denominations and faiths

An essential function of a congregation is to provide educational opportunities that challenge people of all ages to become more aware of and to discern God’s call. We believe such study should touch upon all aspects of our lives as individuals and as a church community, informing our mission and enhancing our worship of God.