Easter Gifts of Beauty and Bounty

Feb 21, 2025

It is the UPC tradition at Easter to honor and remember the people in our lives through Easter Gifts of Beauty and Bounty. Your gift can be used to purchase a lily which will be placed in the chancel, or as a contribution to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services to support our neighbors in need. (You can also choose to do both with your gift!) The names of those honored and remembered with these gifts will be in the Sunday Worship Bulletin on April 20.

All forms (online and paper) must be received by Friday, April 11.

To participate, please follow the steps below:

Step 1: Fill out the form indicating whom you are honoring and/or remembering, and which funds you intend to give to.
To fill out the form online, please click the button below. If you would prefer a paper form, you may download one here. Paper forms are also available in the Narthex.

If you would like the church to send a postcard notifying the person or family member(s) being honored, please list the name and the address of the honoree after their name.


Step 2: Give to your preferred fund(s).
To give online, click the button below. If you wish to give to both funds, you can do so in the same transaction! Enter the amount for the first fund, then click “+ another fund” and select the other fund.

You may also pay by check; please write your chosen fund (“lilies” or “IFC”) in the memo line. If you are giving to both funds, please be sure to note how much goes to each fund. Please note that any donations toward lilies are non-deductible.

Please make your checks payable to University Presbyterian Church and mail to:
UPC, Gifts of Beauty and Bounty
PO Box 509
Chapel Hill, NC 27514