God is love,
and that love is for everyone.
Worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 am
Who We Are
Here we believe that God is love;
and that love is for everyone.
God’s extravagant love changes the world
and moves us to respond in gratitude.
Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming,
you are not only welcome here, but invited
to shape this community with your God-given gifts.
Why UPC?
Latest News
Flowers in the Sanctuary
The UPC Flower Committee invites and encourages members to honor the memory of loved ones with floral arrangements in our Sanctuary on Sundays. To schedule an arrangement, please call or text Lena Caison at (919) 636-1595 or email...
UPC Earth Care Team
In the spring of 2019, UPC was certified as an Earth Care Congregation through the PC(USA), joining over 220 congregations across the country. Join the team's efforts in maintaining our certification as we work together to be...
Congregational Meeting: September 29 (2019 Nominating Committee Report)
The session has called a Congregational Meeting on September 29 after the 11:00 a.m. worship service to act on the report of the Congregational Nominating Committee. Click here to view the Nominating Committee Report. Printed copies are available at church on Sundays....
Kick-off Sunday: September 15
Sundays at UPC Start of the New Program Year Sunday, September 15 8:30 and 11:00 a.m. - Worship in the Sanctuary 9:45 - 10:00 a.m. - Sunday School Opening Convocation for children, youth, and adults: Sanctuary 10:00 - 10:45 a.m. - Sunday School begins again for...
Program Year Registration
Start of the New Program Year Sunday, September 15 Join us for all the community, education and fun UPC has to offer. The Sunday School Opening Convocation will take place...
Woman to Woman
All women of the church are invited to join the conversation led by the Rev. Carrie Tuttle from 11:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. on WEDNESDAY, starting September 11, gathering in Vance Barron Hall at UPC. This is a wonderful, low-key community of women of faith, who enjoy...