2024 Stewardship Campaign
Join us in our ministry of grace and gratitude!
The gifts of your time and your talents make what we do as a church possible, and the gifts of your financial resources support our ongoing work and open the doors for new opportunities along the way.
New 2024 Stretch Goal:
$2.05 million

Three Ways to Pledge
Online Pledge via Realm
In Realm, our online database, you can add your pledge. You can even set up recurring gifts, too!
Need help with Realm? Email upcch@upcch.org.
Online Pledge via Google Form
Don’t have a Realm account? Click here to pledge online via our Google Form.
Written Pledge Card
You can mail in your pledge card (PO Box 509, Chapel Hill, NC 27514) or bring it with you to worship or the church office.

Why Pledge?
Stewardship is an invitation to prayerfully give of your time, talent, and treasure in response to God’s grace. Pledging a gift for 2024 both provides you an opportunity to intentionally consider how you may give and helps us plan for our budget in the coming year.
Stewardship Moments in Worship
Hear some of our church members share why UPC matters to them!
From the Co-Pastors
“It’s a big ask.” This time last year, we found ourselves saying that often. After a year of significant property expenses, the Session took a hard look at what it takes to maintain our church home without compromising our commitments in outreach or our obligations to the staff team. We asked for a 13% increase in giving, AND YOU ANSWERED! THANK YOU!
Your generosity enabled University Presbyterian Church to:
- continue investing in the nutritional health of our community by supporting TABLE, the IFC Shelter, and the Society of St. Andrew in their mission to bring quality food to hungry families;
- maintain our decades-long commitment to Habitat for Humanity in this exciting season as they break ground on the Weavers Grove neighborhood that will bring over 100 affordable homes to our town;
- continue to offer hospitality to refugees, particularly the Dastageer family from Afghanistan as they enter their third year of residence in the United States of America;
- support a full summer of faith-forming activities for children and youth, including Vacation Bible School, Appalachia Service Project, Massanetta Middle School Conference, Montreat Worship and Music Conference, and Montreat Youth Conference;
- invest in our building, the launchpad for all of our ministry, with much needed roof repairs and HVAC updates;
- conduct a search for a new Director of Youth Ministry that led us to Tristan Wall, while also paving the way for Nancy Myer to be called as Associate Pastor for Family Ministry.
We have every confidence that the Spirit continues to be at work in our midst. As we step into Stewardship season for 2024, our message begins with gratitude. Thank you for answering the call to increase your pledge and giving last year. This year, we ask that you keep doing what you are doing. Our pledge need this year is $1.98 million. This represents a more modest, 2.5% increase from last year. This increase will enable us to increase our outreach giving, offer a cost-of-living raise to our staff, and make the necessary repairs that are a part of our long-term maintenance plan for the building.
We ask you to prayerfully consider your pledge for 2024. As always, we thank God for you, and it is a joy to be your pastors.
-Revs. Jarrett and Meg Peery McLaughlin

Previous Stewardship Campaigns
Click here to access our archive of previous stewardship campaigns.