We are hopeful about what is to come, and know that, together, we can continue to be church in many different ways. Your pledge of financial support will help us as we plan for 2022 (and beyond).
2022 Pledge Goal:
Three Ways to Pledge
Online Pledge via Realm
Use your login to add and update your pledge in our online database. You can even set up recurring gifts, too!
(Here’s a handy guide to help you know how to pledge via Realm.)
Need help with Realm? Email upcch@upcch.org.
Online Pledge via Google Form
Click here to pledge online – no login required.

Written Pledge Card
Fill out your pledge card and mail it in (or bring it with you to worship on October 24). We’ll have extras available at worship on that day, too!

Why Pledge?
Stewardship is an invitation to prayerfully give of your time, talent, and treasure in response to God’s grace. Pledging a gift for 2022 both provides you an opportunity to intentionally consider how you may give and helps us plan for our budget in the coming year.
University Presbyterian Church is at last fully staffed and poised to participate with you in amazing ministry in 2022. We need every gift and every pledge to help us achieve our budgetary goal.
Stewardship Moments in Worship
From the Co-Pastors
In October, UPC will launch a worship series called “Too Much.”
Have you not muttered that phrase this year? There has been too much isolation and loneliness, too much suffering and violence in the world around us, too much asked of us as we restructured our lives, saw a light at the end of the tunnel, only to have the finish line yanked back further. “Too much,” we say.
Or perhaps you’ve whispered this phrase in prayer, for this has also been a year where we have been overwhelmed by love. When our UPC family was disconnected, 30 small groups rose up to offer friendship – the depth of care was almost too much. When schools were closed, you helped fund a Service Learning Center for under-served children – the generosity was almost too much. When it seemed as if Church would never be the same, there were Pentecost picnics and parking lot gatherings, online worship and a new Youth Engagement Council, all reminding us that the Church never closes and love is never cancelled. It turns out that “too much” grace is precisely what we needed.
When we are overwhelmed by the steadfast love of God in the midst of such a year, what response is there but generosity?
We ask that you choose to participate in the gospel work here at UPC by making a pledge to support our shared ministry in 2022 and beyond.
May God’s over the top love be and abide with you now and always,
Meg & Jarrett
Previous Stewardship Campaigns
Click here to access our archive of previous stewardship campaigns.