UPC Music Scholars

About the Organ Scholar Program

In 2022, we introduced our Music Resident program, which offers an internship opportunity for a keyboardist with an interest in liturgical music. The resident is given free room and board in the church apartment and unrestricted access to our facilities and instruments for practice. They have the opportunity to regularly lead in worship, as well as helping with our children’s choirs, assisting with administrative facets of our program, and allowing us the flexibility of having a separate accompanist and conductor on occasion.

Meet Our 2024-2025 Organ Scholar

Hania Kantzer

Hania Kantzer

About Hania
Hania Kantzer is a sophomore pursuing degrees in biochemistry and in Asian studies. While at UNC, she has been able to take part in projects at the Carolina Center for Jewish Studies as well as gaining experience in archeological research on the Huqoq Excavation Project in Israel this summer. She also recently picked up playing baroque violin in the UNC Baroque Ensemble. In her free time, she enjoys attending local classical music concerts and is currently working on constructing a spinet harpsichord. She has always been passionate about sacred music, and is very excited to be working with University Presbyterian Church this year.

About the Choral Scholar Program

Choral scholars at UPC are sacred music interns who serve as section leaders in the choir. The concept of having choral scholars to help lead worship has its origins in the collegiate chapels of England and the tradition has since been adopted by churches across America. While choral scholars are traditionally voice majors from the UNC Music Department, they may or may not have experience singing in a church setting so in addition to contributing their vocal leadership to our choir, they also have the opportunity to explore repertoire from the sacred canon in a liturgical context while growing other aspects of their musicianship. For their commitment to the church, a modest stipend is awarded to each choral scholar toward their continued musical education.

Meet Our 2024-2025 Choral Scholars

Annie Ascher

Annie Ascher


About Annie

Annie Ascher is a rising sophomore at UNC, double majoring in Public Relations/Advertising and Music. Originally from Clarendon Hills, IL (just outside of Chicago) she grew up singing in her church choir at Grace Episcopal. She loves traveling. This summer, she studied at the London School of Economics and spent time in Paris and Amsterdam. She is grateful to everyone at UPC for welcoming her into their community.

Jackson Moseley

Jackson Moseley


About Carson

Jackson is a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, where he majored in music and psychology. Jackson, a bass, studied voice under Marc Callahan for four years, and he has been a member of the Glee Club, Carolina Choir, and Chamber Singers over the semesters. In addition, he was a member of the co-ed Christian a cappella group Psalm 100 on campus. He intends to pursue nursing as a career.

Ethan Bunch

Ethan Bunch


About Ethan

Ethan Bunch is a sophomore voice student at UNC Chapel Hill and is pursuing a bachelor’s degree in music. He has been singing for eight years and has performed in several choirs/glee groups over that time (he currently sings with the UNC Walk-Ons). When not doing musical activities, Ethan likes to build his LEGO collection and to play games online with his friends. After his undergrad years, he hopes to become a music educator for K-12 students.