Children’s Sabbath and Dedication Sunday

Children’s Sabbath and Dedication Sunday This past Sunday we celebrated a Children’s Sabbath with many 9, 10, and 11 year olds leading us in worship. At one point a group of four offered a prayer using answers to some questions we asked the children of the church...

UPPS Wheel-A-Thon

University Presbyterian Preschool will be hosting a Wheel-A-Thon on Sunday, October 27, from 4-6 p.m. at University Presbyterian Church. This event will be held rain or shine! Children are invited to collect pledges for number of laps completed on their bikes, trikes,...

Children’s Sabbath Prayer: October 20, 2019

God – it is hard to say what you look like.  We struggle to understand who you are. But we trust that you love each one of us. When we try to measure your love we come up short If we tried to count your love we would get to 100 and keep counting – higher than a...

Meg & Jarrett’s Installation Service

The installation service for Meg Peery McLaughlin and Jarrett McLaughlin will be Sunday, October 20, at 5:00 p.m. The Youth Choir will play a special part in the service, singing Peace I give to You by Taylor Scott Davis with guest violinist Bettina Yost. A reception...

Stephen Ministry Dementia Training

Dementia Training  UPC Stephen Ministers will host a training open to all on Monday, Oct 21 at 7 pm in the Fellowship Hall.  Brief information will be covered on: Brain Health, Types & Stages of Dementia, Communication, and Future Planning with Dementia. If you...

Flowers in the Sanctuary

The UPC Flower Committee invites and encourages members to honor the memory of loved ones with floral arrangements in our Sanctuary on Sundays. To schedule an arrangement, please call or text Lena Caison at (919) 636-1595 or email her at Special...