God is love,
and that love is for everyone.
Worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 am
Who We Are
Here we believe that God is love;
and that love is for everyone.
God’s extravagant love changes the world
and moves us to respond in gratitude.
Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming,
you are not only welcome here, but invited
to shape this community with your God-given gifts.
Why UPC?
Latest News
Zoom Safety and Tutorials
Zoom Safety ZOOM offers a simple and economical means of online video conferencing, but without proper safeguards, any video conference can be monitored, recorded, disrupted, or otherwise hacked by outside parties. UPC is using ZOOM for group gatherings, and the...
Eileen Weatherly Memorial
In life and in death we belong to God. On Monday morning, a small group of Eileen’s family gathered for a private memorial service at University Presbyterian Church. It was recorded as a way of widening the worship to the community that loved Eileen so well. Eileen...
Sunday’s Worship Music
March 15, 2020 The Voluntary Prelude for the Left Hand, op. 9, no. 1 – Alexander Scriabin Nicholas Osborne, piano At the Offering Sisi ni moja – Jacob Naverud Deborah Hollis, piano Reid Barker, percussion THIS MORNING’S ANTHEM: The original voicing of Sisi ni moja...
Congregational Meeting
THE SESSION HAS CALLED A CONGREGATIONAL MEETING immediately following the 11am service on March 1st for the purpose of electing an elder to fill an unexpired term. Please join us for this brief moment to ensure the continued strength of our church leadership.
Memorial Garden
Jesus was smart to use things like seeds and weeds to describe the kingdom of God. The mystery and magnificence of God’s love is hard to bend our brains around all the time, but watching the natural world do it’s thing—and better yet—getting our own hands into the...
Stephen Ministry: When My Mom Died
I needed someone to listen to me as I told her story and nurtured my memories. I needed someone to let me be angry, to let me be sad, to let me cry. Now I know where I could have found someone who would have been there just for me: Stephen Ministry. Please contact Meg...