Easter 2025 at UPC

Worship with us this Easter (April 20)

Easter Sunday Schedule

8:30 am – Worship in the Sanctuary

9:45 am – Congregational Potluck Brunch in the Fellowship Hall

10:15 am – Easter Egg Hunt

11:00 am – Worship in the Sanctuary (livestreamed; visit upcch.org/live for the bulletin and video links)


New to UPC? Click here for details about parking, childcare, and more.

Easter Brunch – 9:45 am

Join us for a potluck Easter Brunch at 9:45 am in the Fellowship Hall on Easter Sunday! Beverages will be provided; please make or buy a breakfast dish to share (quiche, muffins, fruit, etc.). Savory breakfast dishes are greatly appreciated. Please remember to label your dishes and serving spoons with your name if you’d like to have them back, and pick them up following the brunch. If your contribution contains allergens or is suitable for those with special dietary needs, please add labels such as “gluten free,” “contains peanuts/tree nuts,” or “vegetarian.”

All are welcome!

Easter Egg Hunt – 10:15 am

Children (walkers-3rd grade) are invited to join us on the front lawn for an Easter Egg hunt. Don’t forget to bring a basket to collect your eggs! If there is inclement weather, we will move the hunt indoors.

Flowering the Cross

Like last year, our cross will already have flowers on it and be outside all morning (great for your Easter Sunday family photos). If you’d like to bring more flowers from home to add to it, please do! We will not have extra flowers available.

Gifts of Beauty and Bounty

It is the UPC tradition at Easter to honor and remember the people in our lives through Easter Gifts of Beauty and Bounty. Your gift can be used to purchase a lily which will be placed in the chancel, or as a contribution to the Inter-Faith Council for Social Services to support our neighbors in need. (You can also choose to do both with your gift!) The names of those honored and remembered with these gifts will be in the Sunday Worship Bulletin on April 20.

All forms (online and paper) must be received by Friday, April 11.

Easter Offering

It is our tradition for Easter to collect an offering for One Great Hour of Sharing, which supports efforts to relieve hunger through the Presbyterian Hunger Program, promotes development through the Presbyterian Committee on the Self-Development of People, and assists in areas of disaster through Presbyterian Disaster Assistance.

Look for more details in April about how to give to this offering.