Stories and Songs

Stories and Songs

On December 5, 12, and 19, we’re offering a new intergenerational opportunity for Advent! All ages are invited to the sanctuary at 9:45 am for “Stories and Songs.” We’ll sing our favorite Christmas carols, hear delightful stories, and prepare our hearts...
Dedication Sunday & Polka Party

Dedication Sunday & Polka Party

We are currently in the middle of our stewardship season, when we ask our congregation to consider pledging their financial support for the coming year. Your pledges will help us plan and prepare the budget for 2022. Our goal is $1.8 million, and we ask that you...
Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

Mental health is important to us. We believe in caring for and supporting the whole person: heart, mind, body, and soul. We are especially mindful of the impact the past 18 months has had on the mental health of so many people, and we have collected information and...
Racial Equity Book Group

Racial Equity Book Group

This fall, the Racial Equity Team will be hosting a book group, reading and discussing Jemar Tisby’s The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism. Hosted by Erin Kent and Megan Crunkleton, this group will meet via Zoom at 7 pm on...
Congregational Meeting, 8/29/21

Congregational Meeting, 8/29/21

A called congregational meeting was held on Sunday, August 29 for the purpose of receiving a report from the Nominating Committee regarding the election of officers as well as receiving a report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee regarding the call of Rev....