God is love,
and that love is for everyone.
Worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 am
Who We Are
Here we believe that God is love;
and that love is for everyone.
God’s extravagant love changes the world
and moves us to respond in gratitude.
Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming,
you are not only welcome here, but invited
to shape this community with your God-given gifts.
Why UPC?
Latest News
Congregational Meeting, 8/21/22
What: Called Congregational Meeting When: Sun., Aug. 21, 2022 at 11 am in the Sanctuary There will be a called Congregational Meeting on August 21, 2022 for the purpose of voting on the slate for the Class of 2025 Elders and Deacons, the Class of 2024 Nominating...
Presby 101 – 8/28/22
Presby 101 When: Aug. 28 at 9:00 am Where: Fellowship Hall Are you new to UPC, new to the Presbyterian denomination, or just curious to know more about what it means to be part of the PC(USA)? In 2022, we're offering periodic stand-alone classes about what it means to...
Summer TABLE Drivers Needed
What: Delivery Driver for TABLE Date: all summer About: TABLE is in need of delivery drivers this summer. This organization feeds 800 kids in Orange County a week - that's 430 home deliveries every week! Options to serve include committing to drive a weekly delivery...
Join the Garden Committee
Are you a "master gardener"? We're looking for a new member of the Garden Committee! This Committee oversees the administrative work related to the Memorial Garden, including budget/expenditures, policies, and regularly reviewing the current health and maintenance of...
Temporary Garden Closure – Summer 2022
Beginning sometime after Memorial Day (exact date TBD), work will begin to solve a drainage problem beneath the church building. This will require some excavation in both the memorial garden as well as by the stairwell leading down to the youth center on Robertson...
What: Crop Drop with the Society of St. Andrew Date: May 26, 2022 (this is a change!) Time: 8 am-12 pm Location: Iglesia Emmauel in Durham (2504 N Roxboro St, Durham, NC 27704) About: The Society of St. Andrew is an organization that gleans fields to provide food for...