God is love,
and that love is for everyone.
Worship with us this Sunday at 8:30 or 11:00 am
Who We Are
Here we believe that God is love;
and that love is for everyone.
God’s extravagant love changes the world
and moves us to respond in gratitude.
Whoever you are and whoever you are becoming,
you are not only welcome here, but invited
to shape this community with your God-given gifts.
Why UPC?
Latest News
Sanctuary Hearing Loop
A hearing loop is installed in the Sanctuary. A hearing loop is installed in the UPC Sanctuary and is in use by some members of our congregation. We want to be sure all of our members and visitors are aware of the hearing loop and...
Inclement Weather Policy
On January 11, 2018, the Session voted to alter our inclement weather policy regarding Sunday morning worship. Under the new policy, if wintry weather leads us to cancel Sunday School Classes, we also will cancel the 8:30 worship service on that day. By 7:15 a.m. on...