All Saints’ Day 2024

All Saints’ Day 2024

On All Saints’ Day, we remember and give thanks for the communion of saints. In the Christian tradition, we give thanks for the great cloud of witnesses that surrounds us and we trust that though bodies fail, love never ends. We will be observing All Saints’ Day in...
Join the Chrismon Guild

Join the Chrismon Guild

The Chrismon Guild will meet once a week for 5 consecutive weeks, crafting a new Chrismon ornament each time. At the end of the 5 weeks, we will have a decorating party and place all Chrismon ornaments on an evergreen tree somewhere in the church building so all of...
Disaster Relief in Western NC

Disaster Relief in Western NC

From Meg & Jarrett: It was not long ago that this church stood in the waters of Flat Creek, which flows into the Swannanoa River, winding through Buncombe County. We stood there, ankle deep, to baptize in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Water reminds...
Join the NexTrex Challenge!

Join the NexTrex Challenge!

UPC will begin participating in the NexTrex® Plastic Film Recycling Challenge on September 22! Please start bringing your qualifying soft film plastics and packaging — including plastic grocery/shopping bags, bread and cereal bags, bubble wrap, shipping...
Monthly Taizé Worship Returns (Sept. 17)

Monthly Taizé Worship Returns (Sept. 17)

Lasting about 30 mins, a Taizé service includes chant-like simple songs sung repeatedly, surrounded by brief periods of silence, Scripture, and prayer. We invite you to come as you are and invite anyone else who may desire a simple evening of singing, praying, and...