Installation of Berry French

Installation of Berry French

At a called congregational meeting in August 2021, the congregation of UPC elected Rev. Berry French as Associate Pastor for Campus Ministry. Join us at 2:30 pm on January 30 in the Sanctuary as we affirm and celebrate Berry as he is officially installed as our...
Power Your Mind – Winter 2022

Power Your Mind – Winter 2022

Calling all those who care for young people! Being a teenager can be tough and the added stress of COVID-19 has created high levels of anxiety, depression, and anger among youth. Parents, teachers, and anyone who cares about youth are invited to come learn healthy and...
2021 Annual Report

2021 Annual Report

The Session has called a Congregational Meeting on Sunday, January 23, after the 11:00 am worship service to receive the 2021 Annual Report to the Congregation and to hear a report on the State of the Church. You can access a digital copy of the annual report via the...
Stories and Songs

Stories and Songs

On December 5, 12, and 19, we’re offering a new intergenerational opportunity for Advent! All ages are invited to the sanctuary at 9:45 am for “Stories and Songs.” We’ll sing our favorite Christmas carols, hear delightful stories, and prepare our hearts...
Dedication Sunday & Polka Party

Dedication Sunday & Polka Party

We are currently in the middle of our stewardship season, when we ask our congregation to consider pledging their financial support for the coming year. Your pledges will help us plan and prepare the budget for 2022. Our goal is $1.8 million, and we ask that you...
Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

Mental health is important to us. We believe in caring for and supporting the whole person: heart, mind, body, and soul. We are especially mindful of the impact the past 18 months has had on the mental health of so many people, and we have collected information and...