Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Resources

Mental health is important to us. We believe in caring for and supporting the whole person: heart, mind, body, and soul. We are especially mindful of the impact the past 18 months has had on the mental health of so many people, and we have collected information and...
Racial Equity Book Group

Racial Equity Book Group

This fall, the Racial Equity Team will be hosting a book group, reading and discussing Jemar Tisby’s The Color of Compromise: The Truth about the American Church’s Complicity in Racism. Hosted by Erin Kent and Megan Crunkleton, this group will meet via Zoom at 7 pm on...
Congregational Meeting, 8/29/21

Congregational Meeting, 8/29/21

A called congregational meeting was held on Sunday, August 29 for the purpose of receiving a report from the Nominating Committee regarding the election of officers as well as receiving a report from the Associate Pastor Nominating Committee regarding the call of Rev....
Online Directory Login Paused

Online Directory Login Paused

Watch your inbox this August …invitations coming soon! In the meantime, you may receive a few emails concerning an update in your privacy settings or being opted-in to our UPC directory. Please be assured that only your name, address, phone, and email will be...
Give Light Campaign

Give Light Campaign

In honor of John Wilson, who has so generously produced online worship for us since March 2020, we are launching the Give Light campaign to add solar-powered lights to UPC! Read the full details below, and click the button to give online. Click here to Give...
Facing Racism: A Summer Series

Facing Racism: A Summer Series

Together with the Adult Education Committee, UPC’s Racial Equity Team presents: Facing Racism: An Adult Education Virtual Summer Series Please join us for any or all of these conversations as your summer schedule allows. Registration is required to receive the Zoom...