Pentecost Picnic (May 23)

Pentecost Picnic (May 23)

Save the date for an outdoor, socially distanced Pentecost Picnic on May 23! We’ve missed getting to spend time with each other during the pandemic, and this will be a great way to catch up, have fun together, and meet our new members and new staff in person....
Vacation Bible School 2021 – Registration Now Open!

Vacation Bible School 2021 – Registration Now Open!

Registration is now open for our 2021 Vacation Bible School! VBS will be June 28-July 1, and at this point we have every intention of being in person at Camp New Hope! Our theme “Hero Central” will help us explore some Bible heroes and ways that we, too,...

UPC Racial Equity Team – an update

The Racial Equity Team is pleased that the Session of UPC affirmed our mission statement at their last meeting: As members of University Presbyterian Church, we trust the word of God will guide us as we grow in relationships with one another and our neighbors. We...

Lenten Walk to Jerusalem

On February 17, we will begin the season of Lent, a 40 day period (not counting the Sundays) centered around repentance and reflection as we prepare our hearts and minds to celebrate the joy of Easter. As part of our congregational observance of Lent, we invite you to...

Clergy Letter- Jan 2021

January 2021 To the people of our beloved communities in the Chapel Hill area: your clergy greet you in the name of God. We write again to share with you our continued story of solidarity, friendship, and partnership as we navigate together the challenges ahead of us...