
Let everything that breathes praise the Lord! – Psalm 150:6


Music is an important part of worship at UPC. From soaring sacred choral anthems to quiet instrumental offerings to congregational hymns accompanied by our organ, we are grateful for the musicians and choirs of all ages who share their gifts in worship.


Chancel Choir members singing in the choir loft
Chancel Choir
Youth Choir Musical
Youth Choir
(6th-12th grade)
Choristers singing
(3rd grade and older)
Alleluia Choir
(preK-5th grade)
Taize service outdoors
Chantres de Taizé

Music Scholars

UPC offers the opportunity for UNC student musicians to participate in sacred music internships. Click here to learn more about this program and meet this year’s scholars!

Chancel Choir singing on Easter Sunday

The Thomas Brown Recital Series

Named in honor of our former Minister of Music, Thomas Brown, this series features our Steinway Model B piano and inspiring artists both local and from afar. Click here to read more about this series, learn more about our schedule, and watch videos from previous recitals.

About our Organ

Click here to learn more about our sanctuary organ.