New Member Information

Welcome to the UPC Family! We’re glad you’re here.

Here are some links and information that may be helpful as you formally begin your membership here.

Connecting Points
Stewardship & Giving
Staff & Leadership
Other Information

UPC Directory (Realm)

Our online database system is Realm, which hosts our directory, online giving, and other ways to connect with UPC! Click here for information about how to set-up your Realm account.

Visit to log in (or click the “log in” tab at the top of our website). You can also download the Realm Connect app to have access on your phone.

For more information about ways to use Realm, visit our Realm information page.

Need help creating or accessing your account? Email Sara Richard

When you update your Realm account, be sure to update your skills and interests, too! Knowing what you’re good at doing and ways you’re interested in serving will help us know where you may want to connect at UPC. Click here for instructions.

Connecting Points

As a UPC member, we encourage you to connect with one or more groups – a place where you will be known. Here are a few suggestions to get you started:

Sunday School Class – On Sunday mornings during the program year (Sept.-May), we offer several classes for adults!.

Presbyterian Women – Groups of UPC women gather once a month to fellowship and study together. New members are always welcome!

Men’s Breakfast – Twice a month during the program year (Sept.-May), a group of men come together for breakfast and to learn from one another. The topics vary, but are always interesting!

Special Interest Groups – Our knitting group meets weekly during the program year, and in the fall, our Chrismon Guild works together to create Chrismons.

Small GroupsA ministry that started during the pandemic, small groups are groups of approximately 12-15 people who gather on a weekly or bi-weekly basis for conversation and fellowship. Conversations are structured around that week’s sermon.

Chancel Choir – This group of musicians rehearses weekly and leads in worship at the 11:00 service.

One of our social justice teams (Earth Care, Racial Equity, Mental Health)


Stewardship and Giving

Stewardship – the prayerful giving of our time, talent, and treasure in response to God’s grace – is an important part of church membership.

Current Stewardship Campaign

We invite you to participate in the gospel work here at UPC by making a pledge to support our shared ministry. To learn more about our current stewardship campaign and how to pledge, visit our Stewardship page.

Ways to Give Financially

You can give your financial gifts online, in person, by text, and by mail. Want to know more about how to give to UPC (including how to set up recurring gifts and gift stock)? Visit our Giving page.

Ways to Volunteer

Interested in sharing your time and talents? Visit our Volunteer page for current ways you can sign up to serve.


Staff and Leadership



Our staff coordinate, lead, and support the ministries of UPC alongside our leadership bodies and committees. For the full list of our staff, visit our Staff page.

Our pastoral staff also offer care to individuals and families in times of need. To share a concern or prayer request, visit our Pastoral Care page


The Session is the governing body of University Presbyterian Church. It oversees all the committees and serves as the church’s representative and voice in Presbytery and denominational discussions. Session members are ordained lay leaders elected to three year terms. Visit our Leadership page to see our current Session members.


The Deacons provide a pastoral and caring presence through ministries such as visitation, receptions for memorial services, meal trains, and more. Each deacon serves as the point of contact for neighborhoods within our congregation. Deacons are ordained lay leaders elected to three year terms. Visit our Leadership page to see our current Deacons.

Committees and Teams

Committees are standing groups that offer leadership and support in various aspects of our church life. Click here to view our list of standing committees.

Teams are less formal groups created to focus on particular ministries.


Other Information


Facility Map

Our facility can be a little confusing to navigate. Here’s a map to help you find your way around.


We send out church-wide emails twice a week (Thursdays and Sundays), as well as a separate email for families with children and youth. In addition, our seasonal newsletter, The Chimes, is emailed out (although if you would like to receive it via mail, we would be happy to add you to the list!).

If you are not already on our email list, please contact Erin Collier.

You can also keep up with us via Facebook and Instagram!

Deacon Neighborhoods

Our congregation is divided into neighborhoods which have assigned deacons to offer care and connection. To see the full list of neighborhoods and assigned deacons, click here.

Compost with us!

UPC members are invited to participate in our composting program and bring compost from home! To learn more about how to sign up and participate, click here.

Web Policy

By participating in a program or attending an event of University Presbyterian Church, image(s) and/or voice(s) of participant(s) may be used, reproduced and/or modified for use as publicity in a variety of media including, but not limited to, print, video, photographic and sound recordings, all of which may be available on the Internet. University Presbyterian Church will not identify individuals in media publications unless previously agreed upon by the individual or parent/guardian of the individual. To read our full web policy, click here.